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Wine country Italy


Italian wines are among the most renowned and diverse in the world. The country's long wine-growing tradition, the different climates and the variety of soil types across the Italian peninsula provide ideal conditions for the cultivation of a wide range of grape varieties. Below is an overview of some of the best-known Italian wine regions and their wines:

Tuscany is famous for its red wines such as Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, which are mainly made from the Sangiovese grape. In the coastal region of Bolgheri, high-quality wines are also produced from international grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

Piedmont is dominated by wines such as Barolo and Barbaresco, which are made from the Nebbiolo grape variety. There are also well-known wines such as those made from the Barbera and Dolcetto grapes.

Famous for Valpolicella, including the rich Amarone, as well as the bright and sparkling Prosecco, made from the Glera grape. Other notable wines are Soave and Bardolino.

The local grape variety Nero d'Avola is the main focus here, but more international grapes such as Syrah and Chardonnay are also cultivated.

Apulia (Puglia):
Puglia is known for its powerful red wines made from the Primitivo (genetically identical to Zinfandel) and Negroamaro grape varieties.

The region is known for Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, a soft, fruity red wine, not to be confused with Vino Nobile di Montepulciano from Tuscany.

Cannonau (Grenache) is particularly popular in Sardinia, but the white wine Vermentino is also highly regarded.

Campania is famous for its white wines made from Fiano and Greco di Tufo, as well as the strong red wine Taurasi made from Aglianico grapes.

In Lombardy, Franciacorta sparkling wine is produced from Chardonnay, Pinot Nero and Pinot Bianco grapes using the "metodo classico", very similar to the champagne production process.

Trentino-Alto Adige:
Areas such as Trentino and Alto Adige are known for their fresh and aromatic white wines, including Gewürztraminer, Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay.

The Italian classification system for wine quality is similar to the French appellation system and divides wines into different quality levels: Denominazione di Origine Protetta (DOP), which includes the well-known DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) and DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita), and Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT), for wines that do not meet the strict DOP requirements.
Italy's wines offer a variety that is as broad as the country itself, so there is a suitable wine for every taste and occasion.

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